Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2011 Smartphone Market Share

What would be the 2011 market share for smartphones by OS platform? If predictions by Gartner & IDC are anything to go by, Android is clearly the winner & Windows Phone at the bottom. Both Gartner and IDC have released their forecast for 2011 market shares. Both have similar figures, as expected, but Gartner is slightly more optimistic iOS and Windows share. But overall, their figures differ by 1 to 1.5% only.

The chart above is a average of the two analytic firm's predictions. 

Looking at this, I could draw the following conclusions...
  • Android is the new Symbian
  • iOS is the new Blackberry
  • RIM itself is down but not out
  • Windows - Long way to go to become anywhere close to the "3rd ecosystem".

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